Google is watching you!!

Have you ever thought how much vulnerable have you been while using a desktop or a phone whether it is windows, android or iOS because of the all purpose GOOGLE ID.

Platforms Tracking Information:

Google has been tracking and saving all of your information for all the whole lot of years you have been logged in with the Google id in your smart devices. And not just the Google but Microsoft and Apple follow the same path to provide a better user experience to its users.

Best about Google:

But that's not totally bad because Google being one of the most reputed companies has something to offer for its users, i.e. out of all the information that it saves over its database, there is some information that you can actually see and alter according to you. Wanna know more continue reading.....

Apps being tracked:

Wanna know which all apps and services are being tracked by Google. Take a look at the list below:
  • Youtube
  • Google Searches
  • Apps using Gmail login Id
  • Other Google services

How they use it to their advantage?

Have you ever noticed that the ads powered by Google you see are penetrated towards you, i.e. you are shown the ads according to your interests or based on your Google searches, which makes their ads more productive and make a great revenue out of their advertisers.

How to see what all Google knows about you?

Just head over to your url tab and and type or just click HERE.

Not just Apps but location too!!

Where have you been going all day and where you stayed for the night, I am not sure for your parents but Google did know it and save it in its database.

And to check it click HERE

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